Customer Management System

There are tons of systems out there trying to improve business processes of utility companies in general or electric companies in specific.

The key is still doing the re-engineering process well and the application system will just a tool to follow the processes. I put some of my thoughts about Electric Management System in this blog. Feel free to read and comment.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Type of Fraud - Double Feeding

Double feeding is done by customer when he/she tried to make an additional feeding directly to the line so that the consumption for additional feeding is not registered. He/she will still have the legal service and the meter will register only the consumption for the legal service. Usually the additional feeding is done to connect for appliance that requires more electricity load (ex: air condition, pump, etc.) For the rest of appliances like lights, the customer let it register in the legal connection so that the Electric company will not get suspicious.


Anonymous said...

If the power is turned off at the street, is there some power getting through? If there is none and it is turned off you should be able to just tap into it easily or is there some method first? There has to be!

Anonymous said...

the street lamps are operated by dusk sensors, as such they come on at night/dusk.street lamps can be turned off at the street's junction box.should be able to find the feed easy enough-but it is detectable and tracable once work or maintainance needs carrying out on anything running through the streets' thing to do is find a shop or flat in the vincinity that is on vacation or away for the night and tap into their supply.a vacant flat is ideal,find the mains feed and isolate it-usually at the landlord's supply box-located normailly in the hallway or comunial area.isolate the feed and splice onto the cable at floor level-dont be excentric though as it has to be easily removable if you vacate your property or have your meter checked.Run a good quality surge protected extention lead into your property and its happy days.i dont condone this action but if its the difference between the kids eating and paying the electric company, the kids win.leave a post if this is of use to you.or if you have any other questions.

Anonymous said...

I have recently been reading about the new smart meters which are being installed which can aparantly detect double feeding by an increase in neutral current to the meter. Is this the case? if so any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I'm a meter reader and reading all of this stuff is making me laugh out loud. Yes, there are ways to steal electricity by meter tampering or bypassing at the drop, but you will eventually get caught. We are trained to spot stuff like this and we will turn it in.It is especially dangerous to tamper with the power lines going to your house from the transformer. If you don't know what you are doing your can kill yourself. I wouldn't advise stealing electricity beacuse if you are caught the utility company fines you a couple hundred dollars, estimates your usage, (about another couple hundred dollars), and if you get caught twice they cut you off at the transformer, and you have to pay for the materials and labor to reconnect your house which is about 5-7 thousand dollars, plus a couple more in fines. So what would you rather do... Spend a few days which a close friend or family member while your house gets turned back on and pay for what you used, or risk a couple thousand in fines and legal charges? Also, if your worried about cost shop around for a better electric provider. The provider and utility company are two different entities. Your paying your provider for month to month service not the utility. The utility owns and maintains the lines, and your provider pays them not you. All the electricity comes from the same place and changing providers doesn't effect the quality or service of the electricity you recieve.

Anonymous said...

LOL, the guy above scared me to death. Ha-ha-ha

Anonymous said...

Hey, lots of info here but the real problem now is I have been in the hospital with a stroke for 3 months. The electric bill is now over $800 and I have not been here.
They say it is monthly charges, I said Crap! In any case they are not turning it on without $843 and that is surely $840 more than I have.
I was told you can turn the meter right or left and the power will come back on. True? I am goin in for a Bypass in 6 days so I can not see paying the $800 for 6 days when I may die at the operation.
Not trying to be a crook. Just realistic!! Can I turn the meter and it comes on? Which way?
It seems like it needs to go deeper into the box. But it has a metal ring around it. . . . .
I dont want to go to jail, just live through the operation, but without oxygen I wont make it to the surgery. . . . . . .
any quick info would keep me alive! ! ! ! Serious!!! I will check back soon, today 12/2/2008.
"Sick and Scared"

Anonymous said...

It sme the meter reader. You can't physically turn your meter sideways. Inside your meter can are four metal obejects arranged in a square the power comes in the two top prongs and goes out the two bottom. The meter acts as a ridge between the two prongs measuring the electricity. the prongs themselves are about a 1/2 inch long and 2-3 cm wide which only allows the meter to be inserted right-side up ot up-side down.

Anonymous said...

If you don't have a smartmeter its not to hard to pull your old meter out jumper from the top prong to the bottom on each side. As long as you do it on weekends holidays and at night you should be fine.
I put mine back at 7am and pull meter at 7pm.
Smart meter will change all that. i keep my bill at 100 bucks a month still. The summer here gets the bills up to $300 quick and summer last a long long time in caily.
now if someone can trip up a smart meter post it up. but as far as i can tell you'd have to bypass the meter on the load side.. and the smartmeter may detect this even.
As soon as you pull that meter it sends a signal that its off. Big brother is coming into your homes more and more people.

Anonymous said...

I dont see why people bitch and wine about what they are physically using. You want a service but you dont want to pay for it. That sounds like a thief to me. Yeah your saving money now, but eventually you're going to get a 5,000 dollar back charge bill when they figure it out and then you cant pay for it... I know because I work for a utility and I see it all the time.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't advise doing any of this stuff but it sure makes me mad as I go away and turn nearly everything off in the house and still get a $400 bill for the month. The electric company doesn't mind ripping me off. How do I get reimbursed for electricity I don't use. The house is brand new and the big bills have just started coming in the last bill, I was away 26 out of the 30 day reading and I disconnected everything but Fridge and turned AC up to 85 while away and came back to a $385 bill. Go figure . Might as well use it you get charged for it.

Anonymous said...

My electric co only reads my meter quarterly. I have sensors and cameras around the house and I haven't seen the meter reader for three months, but I still get a bill. I asked about this and they said they do an average based on total usage over the period between reads and the cost per KWh during that time. Then they break that total into three monthly payments.

Anonymous said...

one real bit thing that isnt addressed here are the lockout tamper tags, even if you know what to do inside(which isnt hard) they will notcie the tags gone or deformed fromt tampering

anyone got past the tag?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a meter reader, but I am an electrician. Yes you can remove the tags, the same way the power co does, cut it. But you don't have a new one to put on and depending on where you live the fines for stealing power can be quite large, also if i'm not mistaken, you may face criminal charges or jail time. If you want to reduce your power bill, use less electricity, or get some solar panels or wind turbines.

Anonymous said...

if in uk it very easy 2 nypass prepayment meters, if u kno wat u doing , just turn off all electricity supply 2 house open bottom panel of ur box get nice piece of earth wire n bridge the gap from the 2 red wires, i shud know as iv did it in all my houses , as for the meter readers coming 2 door , thats wat spyholes for , dont answer 2 shirt n ties n they wont get in llf, but it is gd 2 put it still top up meter now n again itl keep em off ur bk aslong as u still makin some sort off top up

Anonymous said...

can somebody help me?, i would like to try one of these methods to bypass my meter only thing is were you screw in the connections on my meter i have 4 spaces but only 3 leads conecting and they go left to right redlead , blacklead, redlead,, im not sure which one to join for the bypass ????

Anonymous said...

and what happen to the meter readers if they get layoff and have no money to pay the electricity, same position about bypass? lol, i don't like it but i'll be fun

Unknown said...

meter reader this is for you, I like to see you run each time my 3 dogs come after you, you didn't got a good reading anyway last time ahahah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you can change the cogs for bigger and wider teeth so that the meter turns more slowly. this is not notice able :)

Anonymous said...

A friend has a 4 month old baby, husband left her and now lights turned off. She said she wished she knew how to turn on her lights. I told her not a smart thing and told her I don't think could be done since she has smart meter. Canit be done?

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of small minded biggots

Anonymous said...

To all the Meter Readers here. So if you're saying that we're stupid stealing electricity, and we will eventually get caught, then why is it a 6 billion dollar a year problem in the U.S., and most are not getting caught? I appreciate your advise on how dangerous it is, and I will definitely take precautions (as most of us here do when dealing with electricity), but I will not stop stealing it!!! It's a protest more than it's about saving money. Personally, I think our taxes should be paying this sort of necessity. But the governments and monster corporations have always controlled energy, and have become rich and powerful from it. I am too smart for them, and I will never get caught!! I haven't for many years, nor will I ever. Not even this post (from my IP) can be traced, I am too smart!!! But keep the challenge going!!

Anonymous said...

I am sick of our power company. Our meter guy went 3 months without reading our meter. How do I know this? Because I put tape over it. Our bill has jumped from $340 to $1,400 for a small 3 bedroom house. 15 yrs and the bill is always the same until meter maid don't do his job and they ESTIMATE (basically GUESS) and were wrong. We don't use squat. We can't change providers as our city has a monopoly and they control everything and REQUIRE you use their service. I will gladly pay for what my family uses. I am not a thief but I know the power companies are theives and anybody that supports and defends them is not better. I do not want to steal, but I have turned my power back on when shut off, I pay the bill when my paycheck hits the bank, they come to reconnect and charge me a $350 tamper fee and claim the meter is boken each time. Which it's not. I mean really all that's been done is I have removed some stupid plastic sleeves and plugged it back in. It's freezing here and I have a preemie that cannot get sick. We only get paid every 2 weeks and my wife being on maternity leave for 8 weeks hurt us, but we are getting back on our feet and will be back to paying on time as normal. We have been here 15 yrs and never been late on a bill or contested questionable charges. We normally are model customers. But I will not let my family freeze to death because a payment is a couple weeks late. For all you meter guys. I am sure you see a lot of true stealing. But most people are just trying to stay alive and make it in this hard life. To read your comments makes me want to get my shot gun out when you come by and blast you. Seriously you all sound like Nazis and bullies. Get over yourselves! Anyways I think Americans are being raped by corporations and the power companies and I feel a revolution coming and I promise you meter maids, that you will be in the same mess one day soon with the rest of us. I have had enough and have purchased a generator and many of our neighbors have to. Costs less to keep the tank full than to pay the lying utility companies. At tax time I will be installing solar panels as well. Uncle Sam is helping to foot that bill as well. The power companies will be a thing of the past one day as more and more people get sick of being robbed while corporations post record profits.

Anonymous said...

I have a simple single phase non digital meter for years and i have been cheating it successfully for years as well by simply disconnecting my main wires from my meter and then connecting it directly to the feeds before they enter the meter(2 wires of my main switch directly clipped on to the stripped 2 wires of line and neutral before they entered my single phase meter).Now when bypassed my meter used to stop running completely and i would only start it when i disconnected the bypass and connected my wires to the meter again.

Now the electric company is changing all the old meters in my area with new digital meters.
What i want to know is that whether this "double feeding" will work on these new digital meters or not???

I mean i know that i wont be able to disconnect the wires once plugged into the digital meter by the installation men but what i plan to do is to disconnect the wires from my main switch and then connect the main switch directly to the feed before it enters the digital meter.
QUESTION is whether the digital meter will in anyway detect this,record this,malfunction,blow up etc????????
please reply urgently....

Anonymous said...

I cut my power off at the main breaker when I left my house 3 months ago, I came home and my bill was 500 a month for 3 months tell me how??? This shitty part is I'm a fucking class A lineman for the utility company I get my power from. It never dis any of this until I had the smart meter installed. I told them how they were fucking me out of hundreds and thousands of dollars while my crew makes them millions every month. Their response was we will send someone out to check for problems.. I told the woman on the phone I work for yall dipshits and I've already checked. They still made me pay and continue to fuck me weekly and daily.
